

  • Python 2.7 or Python 3.4+
  • sparsegrad
  • Python scientific stack

Installation from PyPI

It is recommended to use Python Package Index (PyPI) to install oedes package. This is done using command-line by pip program, which is normally installed together with Python. Using this method, all dependencies are resolved automatically.

Two variants of the installation are possible:

  • system wide installation:
$ pip install oedes
  • local installation not requiring administrator’s rights:
$ pip install oedes --user

In the case of local installation, oedes is installed inside user’s home directory. In Linux, this defaults to $HOME/.local.

Verifying the installation

After installing, it is advised to run the test suite to ensure that oedes works correctly on your system:

>>> import oedes
>>> oedes.test()
Running unit tests for oedes...
<nose.result.TextTestResult run=15 errors=0 failures=0>

If any errors are found, oedes is not compatible with your system. Either your Python scientific stack is too old, or there is a bug.

oedes is evolving, and backward compatibility is not yet offered. It is recommended to check which version is in use by running:

>>> import oedes
>>> oedes.version


By default, pip does not upgrade packages unless required. To change this behavior, option --upgrade should be used. For example, oedes is updated to the most recent version by running

$ pip install oedes --upgrade

It is also possible to upgrade/downgrade oedes by specifying an exact version to be installed. For example, to ensure that installed version is 0.0.18, run

$ pip install oedes==0.0.18

Again, --user option can be given to restrict changes to users’ home directory.

Development installation (advanced)

Current development version of sparsegrad can be installed from the development repository by running

$ git clone
$ cd oedes
$ pip install -e .

The option -e tells that oedes code should be loaded from git controlled directory, instead of being copied to the Python libraries directory. As with the regular installation, --user option should be appended for local installation.

Building documentation

Documentation of oedes is generated by sphinx. Its source files are placed in doc folder.

To produce HTML and PDF documentation, run

$ cd doc
$ make html
$ make latexpdf